DIY Match Striker

by - March 25, 2021

I love lightening candles and incenses every time I'm home. It's a simple way of relaxing after a long day. Something I've always wanted, but for some reason never got the chance of buying, is a match striker. Probably because it's something I could easily make. The other day at the dollar store, I spotted a box of matches. I purchased a few just for this project and reused a small ceramic vase. 


  • Matches
  • Old small vase or jar 
  • Glue
  • Scissors


1.) I unfolded one of the boxes and removed the striker.

2.) I cut a piece of the striker and hot glued it to the bottom of the vase.

3.) I painted the vase with chalk paint.

4.) In an empty container, I mixed a bit of water and paint.

5.) I dipped a brush on the paint and flicked it onto the vase to achieve a speckled look.

6.) I filled the vase with matches, and now it's ready to use.

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